Kamis, 24 Maret 2011


Tangisan hati tak terbias oleh lara
Nada hari terbayang oleh maut
Semua kan usai di naungan maut
Pupus hilang telah berganti pagi
Senyuman kalbu tak kunjung bias
Wahai samudra
Wahai gunung
Siapakah diri ku ini
Hanya pasir yang mempunyai hati
Terukir oleh beban roh yang hidup
Seperti kalbu berwarna kelam
Akhir akan terbinasa oleh bayang
Cinta akan berakhit oleh fajar
Ini akan berakhir oleh risaw

by :denny



Hati mu membeku di atas awan
Kan menjadi bintang di siang hari
Tuk menjadi petang yang indah di mentari pagi
Resapan air mata dan meresab
Terus diantara sisi hitam di balik kelam
Adakah di kau ?
Dimana kah engkau ?
Hai bayang baying kelam
Lutut ku tertekuk oleh bayangmu
Bahu ku menetaskan air mata
Keremukan nada jiwa yang ada
Hancur.. terurai lara
Hancur terbagi dara
Hancur di atas melodi
Hancur di kelam mu

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011



Tulus adalah kejujuran yang paling dalam yg dimiliki oleh manusia ! hal tersebut yang membawa kita ke dalam kejujuran dan kebahagiaan
Jagan mendikan diri kita sebagai kemunavikan dan deskriminasi terhadap suatu hal .oleh karena itu terima dan melakukan sesuatu itu dengan tulus hati

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011


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Selasa, 15 Maret 2011


1)where is it located? These countries are in continental Europe

2)What city are found there? many cities that can be found in Spain, among others, is the famous, madrid, barcelona, valencia, and Malaga

3)What language is spoken? official language in use is spanish and there are some spanish flow is as follows, calatan language, language Basque, and Galician languages

4)What currency to use en? currency used is euro

5)what are famous tourist attractions found there? tourist attraction in spain there is a beautiful mountain bee in the town of Marcus co, is famous for its valley filled with forests. that there was in the middle of a small lake that is Lake salvier

6)what products are exported? products exported from Spain are textile goods. and spain is the best in the world's textile producer


Spain is located is These countries are in continental Europe ,it has a population of over 40 million people.spainice official language in use is spanish and there are some spanish flow is as follows, calatan language, language Basque, and Galician languages.the country has tourist attraction in spain there is a beautiful mountain bee in the town of Marcus co, is famous for its valley filled with forests. that there was in the middle of a small lake that is Lake salvier . currency used is euro and last? products exported from Spain are textile goods. and spain is the best in the world's textile producer